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[东北大学] [东北大学]大学英语(统考)在线练习题5(客观题)1(参考资料)

发表于 2018-9-14 03:48:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100    得分:100
第1题,1.  <font face="Arial">If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago, we should probably have to say that we could not remember. But if we had kept a book and had written in it and account of what we did each day, we should be able to give an answer to the question. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It is the same in history. Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them. Sometimes men did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country, but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never any written record at all because the people of that time and place did not know how to write. For example, we know a good deal about the people who lived in China 4,000 years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after them. But we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa, because they had not learned to write. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sometimes, of course, even if the people cannot write, they may know something of the past. They have heard about it from older people, and often songs and dances and stories have been made about the most important happenings, and these have been sung and acted and told for many generations. For most people are proud to tell what their fathers did in the past. This we may call &ldquo;remembered history&rdquo;. Some of it has now been written down. It is not so exact or so valuable to us as written history is, because words are much more easily changed when used again and again in speech than when copied in writing. But where there are no written records, such spoken stories are often very helpful. <br /></font>
A. <font face="Arial">&ldquo;Remembered history&rdquo;, compared with written history, is less reliable. </font>
B. Written records of the past play the most important role in our learning of the human history. <br />
C. A written account of our daily activities helps us to be able to answer many questions. <br />
D. Where there are no written records, there is no history.
A. <font face="Arial">&nbsp;there was nothing worth being written down at that time</font>
B. the people there ignored the importance of keeping a record<br />
C. the written records were perhaps destroyed by a fire<br />
D. &nbsp;the people there did not know how to write
A. <font face="Arial">history based on a person&rsquo;s imagination</font>
B. stories of important happenings passed down from mouth to mouth<br />
C. songs and dances about the most important events<br />
D. both B and C
A. <font face="Arial">it is written down&nbsp;</font>
B. no written account is available<br />
C. it proves to be true&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
D. people are interested in it
A. <font face="Arial">kept a written record of every past event</font>
B. &nbsp;not burnt their written records in wars<br />
C. told exact stories of the most important happenings<br />
D. made more songs and dances

第2题,2.  <font face="Arial">April Fool&rsquo;s Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool&rsquo;s errands(差事), and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France. The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in France. New Year was celebrated on March 25 and celebrations lasted until April 1st. When New Year&rsquo;s Day as changed from March 25 to January 1st in the mid-1560&rsquo;s by King Charles IX, there were some people who still celebrated it on April 1st and those people were called April Fools.<br />Tricks performed on April Fool&rsquo;s Day range from the simple to the elaborate. Setting a roommate&rsquo;s alarm clock back an hour is common. The news media even gets involved. For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fool&rsquo;s Day was a fairly detailed documentary about &ldquo;spaghetti farmers&rdquo; and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, &ldquo;April Fool!&rdquo; April Fool&rsquo;s Day is a &ldquo;for-fun-only&rdquo; observance. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their &ldquo;significant other&rdquo; out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. It&rsquo;s simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant(警惕的), for he may be the next April Fool! <br />Each country celebrates April Fool&rsquo;s differently. In France, the April Fool&rsquo;s is called &ldquo;April Fish&rdquo;. The French fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends&rsquo; backs. In England, tricks can be played only in the morning. If a trick is played on you, you are a &ldquo;noodle&rdquo;. </font>
A. <font face="Arial">England&nbsp;</font>
B. America&nbsp;
C. France&nbsp;
D. Rome
A. <font face="Arial">April Fool&rsquo;s Day&nbsp;</font>
B. New Year&rsquo;s Day
C. New Year&rsquo;s Eve
D. a regular day
A. Calling victims of tricks April Fools.
B. <font face="Arial">Playing tricks on somebody.</font>
C. Eating out with their family.
D. Celebrating this day just for fun.
A. <font face="Arial">be on guard</font>
B. feel annoyed&nbsp;&nbsp;
C. feel scared
D. be at their best
A. <font face="Arial">those who are mentally slow are called April Fools </font>
B. people have been celebrating April Fool&rsquo;s Day for well over five centuries
C. the celebration of April Fool&rsquo;s Day is more or less the same.
D. the celebration of April Fool&rsquo;s Day varies from country to country

第3题,3.  <font face="Arial">Why was Bastille important to the citizens of Paris? The building of the Bastille had been started in 1370 under Charles V. By the seventeenth century it had stopped to be important for defense. Cardinal Richelieu turned it into a prison. It was not an ordinary prison to punish common crimes. Its huge doors closed only on enemies of the King. The Bastille's workings were secret. Prisoners were taken to it in closed vehicles. Soldiers on guard duty had to stand with their faces to the wall. No talking was allowed. Worst of all, a prisoner never knew if he would be there a day, a week, a year, or forever. Only the King's letter could set him free.<br />Over the years the number of arrests by King's letter had become fewer. By the time of its fall, most of the prisoners were writers who had written against the corruptions (贪污腐败)of the government. Voltaire, the famous French writer, spent a year there in 1717-1718, and another 12 days in 1726.<br />For those who believed in free speech and free thinking, the Bastille stood for everything evil. The day it was captured, only seven prisoners were found inside. Still, the Bastille was hated by the people. It was a symbol of the King's complete power.<br /></font>
A. <font face="Arial">since the time of Charles V</font>
B. since 1370<br />
C. before the seventeenth century<br />
D. since the time of Cardinal Richelieu
A. <font face="Arial">Anyone who did something wrong could find himself suddenly in the Bastille.<br /></font>
B. The Bastille was only for those who were opposed to the King.<br />
C. Things done in the Bastille were hardly known to people outside.<br />
D. Voltaire was twice put in the Bastille.
A. <font face="Arial">a large number of prisoners</font>
B. a lot of writers who had been against the government<br />
C. some dozens of people who believed in free speech and free thinking<br />
D. only a few prisoners
A. <font face="Arial">&nbsp;All prisoners in the Bastille had to stay there for life.</font>
B. Over the years the number of prisoners in the Bastille was getting more and more.<br />
C. The King could put people in, or let them go out, as he wanted.<br />
D. At the time it was captured, there were so few prisoners in it that it meant little to the people.
A. <font face="Arial">&nbsp;tells how the prisoners were controlled by the King</font>
B. tells how little was known about the Bastille<br />
C. shows the inner workings of the Bastille<br />
D. gives a brief history of the Bastille

第4题,4.  <font face="Arial">As people continue to grow and age, our body systems continue to change. At a certain point in your life your body systems will begin to weaken. Your strength may become weaker. It may become more difficult for you to see and hear. The slow change of aging causes our bodies to lose some of their ability to bounce back from diseases and injury. In order to live longer, we have always tried to slow or stop this change that leads us towards the end of our lives.<br />Many factors decide your health. A good diet plays an important role. The amount and type of exercise you get is another factor. Your living condition is yet another. But scientists studying aging problem want to know: why do people grow old? They hope that by studying the aging medical science they may be able to make the length of life longer.<br />There is nothing to be afraid of as old age comes. Many consider that the latter part of life to be the best time for living. Physical activity may become less, but often you get better understanding of yourself and the world.<br />What we consider old age now may only be middle-aged some day soon. Who knows with so many advances in medical science happening so quickly, life length may one day be measured in centuries, rather than in years.</font>
A. We should do more exercise.
B. <font face="Arial">We should strengthen our body system.</font>
C. we should try our best to slow down or stop the danger of aging.
D. we should keep our spirits high.
A. Because their physical activities may become less.
B. Because their physical activities may become more.
C. <font face="Arial">Because they get better understanding of themselves and the world.</font>
D. Because they have come through the battle of life.
A. The slow change of aging can help us recover from diseases soon.
B. <font face="Arial">life length is measured in centuries.</font>
C. many people aren&rsquo;t afraid of aging.
D. Scientists have already known why people grow old.
A. Exercise.
B. <font face="Arial">Diet, exercise and living condition.</font>
C. Ability to recover from disease and injury.
D. diet and living condition.
A. Life span.
B. <font face="Arial">How to grow old.&nbsp;&nbsp;</font>
C. Health.&nbsp;&nbsp;
D. Aging problem.

第5题,1.  <font face="Arial">The price of the shoes is ______ during the Spring Festival.?</font>
A. low&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
B. expensive?
C. small&nbsp;&nbsp;
D. cheap

第6题,2.  <font face="Arial">Let&rsquo;s ______ a walk in the park, shall we?<br /></font>
A. go in
B. go on&nbsp;
C. go out&nbsp;
D. go for

第7题,3.  <font face="Arial">The chairman was in ______ of the suggestion.<br /></font>
A. favor&nbsp;
B. &nbsp;favors&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
C. favorite&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
D. favorites

第8题,4.  <font face="Arial">&mdash;I&rsquo; m glad you like the show.<br />&mdash;_____________</font>
A. <font face="Arial">&nbsp;Thank you so much for inviting me.&nbsp;</font>
B. <font face="Arial">Yes, I&rsquo;m glad you like it.</font>
C. <font face="Arial">No, not really. </font>
D. <font face="Arial">I&rsquo;ll go again next time.</font>

第9题,5.  <font face="Arial">_______ I would like to help, I have other work to do.</font>
A. Though
B. If&nbsp;
C. When&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
D. Since

第10题,6.  <font face="Arial">&mdash;Hello, Amy. How&rsquo;s everything?<br />&mdash;_____________</font>
A. <font face="Arial">Just so so.&nbsp;</font>
B. <font face="Arial">That&rsquo;s right.</font>
C. <font face="Arial">How are you? </font>
D. <font face="Arial">Good to see you.</font>

第11题,7.  <font face="Arial">I remember the whole thing ________ it happened yesterday.</font>
A. as if&nbsp;&nbsp;
B. even if&nbsp;&nbsp;
C. as soon as
D. now that

第12题,8.  <font face="Arial">This terrible accident happened _______ the cold evening of Oct. 5. 1989.</font>
A. in&nbsp;&nbsp;
B. to
C. at&nbsp;
D. on

第13题,9.  <font face="Arial">&mdash;I think he is a good lecturer.<br />&mdash;_____________</font>
A. <font face="Arial">Sorry, it doesn&rsquo;t matter.</font>
B. <font face="Arial">So do I.</font>
C. <font face="Arial">Yes, it&rsquo;s a good idea. </font>
D. <font face="Arial">I don&rsquo;t mind.</font>

第14题,10.  <font face="Arial">&nbsp;---- Good morning, Dr. Johnson&rsquo;s office. Can I help you?<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; ---- _________________. </font>
A. <font face="Arial">Speaking, please</font>
B. <font face="Arial">I&rsquo;d like to make an appointment, please</font>
C. <font face="Arial">Yes, go on</font>
D. <font face="Arial">No, you can&rsquo;t</font>

第15题,11.  <font face="Arial">He has just ______ a lot of money on pop song records.</font>
A. spent
B. cost&nbsp;
C. taken
D. used

第16题,12.  <font face="Arial">---- Oh, I&rsquo;m sorry. But I promise I&rsquo;ll be careful next time. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp; ---- _____________. </font>
A. <font face="Arial">It&rsquo;s nothing at all</font>
B. <font face="Arial">Oh, never mind. It doesn&rsquo;t matter</font>
C. <font face="Arial">Thank you&nbsp;</font>
D. <font face="Arial">There are no questions</font>

第17题,13.  <font face="Arial">&mdash;I must apologize to you for the delay.<br />&nbsp;&mdash;_____________</font>
A. <font face="Arial">That&rsquo;s all right.</font>
B. <font face="Arial">No trouble at all.</font>
C. <font face="Arial">All the best.</font>
D. <font face="Arial">You are welcome.</font>

第18题,14.  <font face="Arial">&mdash; Would you like to go fishing with us now?<br />&mdash; _________________ .</font>
A. <font face="Arial">No, I don&rsquo;t like</font>
B. <font face="Arial">It sounds interesting, but I have lots of homework to do</font>
C. <font face="Arial">I won&rsquo;t tell you</font>
D. <font face="Arial">Oh, it is well</font>

第19题,15.  <font face="Arial">---- Can I help you with your suitcase? <br />&nbsp;&nbsp; ---- _____________. </font>
A. <font face="Arial">I have no idea&nbsp;</font>
B. <font face="Arial">No, no. I can carry it myself</font>
C. <font face="Arial">That&rsquo;s a good idea</font>
D. <font face="Arial">Thank you. I can manage myself</font>

第20题,1.  <font face="Arial">Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services. People use money to buy food, __1__, books, bicycles and __2__ of other things they need or want. Most of the money today is made of metal or paper. But people used to use all kinds of things as money. One of the first kinds of money was shells. Cattle were one of the earliest kinds of money. Other __3__ were used as money, too. The first metal coins were made in China. Again the Chinese thought of a way to __4__ money. They began to use paper money. The first paper money looks more __5__ a personal note used today from one person to another than the paper money.</font>
A. <font face="Arial">furniture</font>
B. hundreds
C. improve
D. like
E. animals
A. <font face="Arial">furniture</font>
B. hundreds
C. improve
D. like
E. animals
A. <font face="Arial">furniture</font>
B. hundreds
C. improve
D. like
E. animals
A. <font face="Arial">furniture </font>
B. hundreds
C. improve
D. like
E. animals
A. <font face="Arial">furniture</font>
B. hundreds
C. improve
D. like
E. animals


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