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发表于 2012-10-2 11:27:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、判断(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  
5 n' ~8 @" u/ W4 v) E* O. ]英译汉试题:This course is designed for beginners of English.: b" ], }& I) P( }9 Y+ I% b/ N

( @5 O  e4 S8 X' G/ `' r; P1 ~- i# J参考资料:这门课程适合英语初学者。
3 U( M7 N- L& y1 _$ z$ P) O" }7 R/ EA. 错误
6 V& M7 T/ g0 t4 w1 hB. 正确9 ~/ q$ z  y4 Y- O' d
      满分:5  分
2 z( t- O' g+ K: p3 P2.  
1 U% q/ V6 r- @英译汉试题:She had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang.& l  h- Q6 J4 [- y) B
+ C- D. e1 m) i, b
  q( N8 ~  g. q, k7 m3 wA. 错误7 T! T" ]0 Z% O* i9 g9 n, X, b
B. 正确1 g* c1 P. Q1 ^5 V, m1 l8 G
      满分:5  分, L' ?1 e7 E- e7 [, C( A
3.  $ U- ^! _2 h5 u. S4 V7 s: X. w8 V+ s
英译汉试题:She was just in time for the flight.
8 [+ ^; j0 G( `" o  S  L  t% y% j
9 C. X7 i( Q' Y' f5 [参考资料:她刚好来得及赶上那班飞机。, E( \- @7 f; J) j
A. 错误' e+ k9 W5 o: u* u8 z
B. 正确
  u7 Z' ^+ `& s4 O1 ]      满分:5  分
6 t5 Q% Y6 [0 F# F8 h3 h! [; [4.  : J. ]# `- F" {+ t
& ^$ h6 u7 ^5 r$ i) L, Z+ Y/ i/ r! n写作题目:My favorite sport* w, T) U9 [, X8 X+ k
0 W% h  I2 R' Q    Just as lots of teenagers take to pop music, I love basketball. It’s part of my life. I began to play basketball in my childhood. I still remember the good old days when I played with my classmates after school. Later on, as I grew up, almost everything changed, but this sport—playing basketball remained and my love of it grew even stronger.
; P' E# L! S2 m8 p" [1 K9 C    I love this sport because it brings joys and health to my life. When I got tired from office work, I went to the sports ground and felt refreshed. If there were cares and worries from daily life, I went to the sports ground. There everything went away except basketball. It is basketball that keeps me in good shape and mood.( w$ s8 K% X' Z2 a! Y) a: U
A. 错误6 g3 Q1 S8 F' @0 s( k  C, S
B. 正确
- R4 ~# g# U" q% e      满分:5  分$ r2 G" m( I- B. V
/ A% Q/ y8 L& Z2 j2 G4 }! r  k根据下面所给题目写出一篇不少于80词的短文。) y6 _5 e- P4 ~2 m' F
1写作题目:Online shopping# h1 o/ ]0 x! w' G2 j. M
4 R8 p0 x2 L9 J' C3 H6 JOnline shopping has become a fashion trend. Almost everyone has experienced online shopping. While it makes life easier, it may bring us problems as well.
. L: N% S1 ^9 u7 D' H$ {7 oOnline shopping saves all the traffic jams, parking inconvenience and queuing time. Goods from a book to a training program, from a film ticket to a package tour can all be bought without leaving one’s home. However, goods or services of poor quality may consume rather than save time, energy and money, turning our online shopping experience into a terrible one.
2 R6 K+ E- k  [+ C  d' T0 gIn order to get the most out of online shopping, we need to think carefully before we order. It will make a big difference if we firmly say no to low-quality products. Hopefully, through all the efforts online shopping can better serve us.
+ P5 h4 B5 n  }5 lA. 错误5 t$ V3 G8 c+ v
B. 正确
5 U& N, g) u/ a8 V4 b      满分:5  分
5 m9 C2 ]6 `; _& z: D6.  
) p. l* F1 a* {8 r4 B英译汉试题:This is one of the tallest buildings I have ever seen.
/ N1 L( n( Z5 W
2 K( d9 h1 s- Z参考资料:这是我所见过的最高的建筑。* P3 _7 v$ l; E) S, ?
A. 错误9 Q" S* T; \5 E" M8 y: l" ^
B. 正确
) Z0 E! @' _4 Z6 t      满分:5  分3 F) `3 S% v" B5 y
7.  " m( ^" |# ^  \& G" o  a
英译汉试题:It is important to make a good impression on others., X6 g4 f* F1 O$ g. Y. T- C

: I+ Q# V# a6 T  _, |* z参考资料:给他人留下好印象很重要。( _" g7 g1 B$ z1 z
A. 错误8 l9 i" |- A- M+ ?, Y
B. 正确- `+ F0 r/ T" r5 c+ A6 k; ^
      满分:5  分
0 k0 j- L; z- a8 I8.  
( r" v$ v2 ]7 i  P$ K" b英译汉试题:A lot of people can’t wait to go abroad, but I prefer to stay in my own country.
, e# a9 a. t% N: O& h参考资料:很多人迫不及待想要出国,但我喜欢留在国内。
* U  w9 T8 e1 i+ w. v3 Z" o7 cA. 错误0 n- C5 `. Z/ I& A) ], B4 a2 @
B. 正确
+ i9 n' M5 d5 T( d% |% U  O      满分:5  分
! M" }5 A4 p7 y7 Q# k9.  
* O& p! A( E6 G* y3 i0 h8 ]* p根据下面所给题目写出一篇不少于80词的短文。
1 l+ T, S$ ~! k8 W( {" @+ O3 d写作题目:Water and Life0 H0 N% Y0 D, d0 c2 _
参考范文:/ e* d: a: ]7 d4 `% K1 R
    While we are enjoying the rich fruits of modern industrialization, we are losing something precious on this planet. Fresh water, among others, is becoming less and less day by day, owing to the large-scale industrialization everywhere in the world.& O% _( \! r9 W3 o4 m8 i
    Just as sunshine is a necessity to life, so is fresh water. Without fresh water, our human society would come to a stop. As fresh water is such an important resource to the human society, we need to treasure it as we treasure our life, but how?( D3 g$ ^) h/ A' s' J6 U' m7 `
    First, our government should make a good plan for the use of fresh water and develop industries that consume less water. Second, waste water must be recycled. Finally every one of us should do his bit to save water.
. l8 t/ U7 }$ t" W6 @/ @A. 错误
! _1 }( l  W: Q( WB. 正确
8 M4 y, \) F$ J% n0 H      满分:5  分+ a9 Y5 [. @+ I. u
& N# d* X! k( H8 O, {2 e* o, H英译汉试题:For Americans, it’s hard to imagine living in a place without cars.+ k  ]) P3 ~" j

1 U- y& Z# M9 ?1 O0 `2 V9 j- k( m参考资料:对美国人来说,生活在一个没有汽车的地方是不可思议的。
0 l5 ]( Y/ l( z; BA. 错误4 N- j+ R& Y* g& I  R2 c
B. 正确! @$ b, [7 J0 t; @( R/ T  G
      满分:5  分0 t0 C* V( Z/ G
11.  9 B) V) E2 ^+ b( v* G8 s8 I
英译汉试题:I happened to run into him the other day in the street.
/ @; t. E  n2 K) _% K' O- f: ^6 Y' [
4 T- ~1 I# i$ C* T' z参考资料:我前几天碰巧在街上遇见他。4 S8 L$ W$ ~) m$ a- N1 B9 {
A. 错误
' g6 m) J5 U+ [7 a( y0 D! GB. 正确
9 p5 Q8 Z9 I! y% W1 k      满分:5  分
" y3 O1 U& g, ^) C12.  / L; a& j$ d# U$ S! r
英译汉试题:She won the first prize at the English Speech Contest.
) W( A9 h5 I% b1 l& B 7 m0 Z& ^- ^3 ^. `2 C0 ^
参考资料:她在英语演讲中得了一等奖。3 ^" j0 e* d  o9 u$ b
A. 错误( Y- D2 C# a! {: D) V2 h" L% F
B. 正确
; }# s- `' U3 }      满分:5  分
+ c1 _4 S# R0 x6 j7 j3 S13.  : P7 E. I+ b- h! M+ W$ s( f
英译汉试题:If you are careless now, you’ll get into trouble.7 \) q$ m: `# Y7 h# |* A0 q5 `1 R
" D0 {- t6 \& m3 V6 f+ a
参考资料:如果你现在不仔细,你以后会有麻烦。" H3 u' H; U  Y
A. 错误
8 ]: |! A# k+ {* n) D3 _+ d- b! BB. 正确8 M6 U6 F' C- Y% O2 s
      满分:5  分
- w) I! e+ ]9 h- X; q14.  
. ]( d' m6 U& h; u; H- {英译汉试题:We hope all children can live in a world free of violence.
7 p% s! A# o: v4 r4 ^
$ ?  ^7 \) s5 p0 d+ F2 G参考资料:我们希望所有的孩子都能生活在一个没有暴力的世界。
0 F; v+ y' C# kA. 错误
$ T' t; x% @4 s4 f  |$ t- kB. 正确1 G' W/ [( X5 T
      满分:5  分2 V# q/ V" h9 u- l" r, V2 H; ^& e
* v! c4 H+ V+ S5 A( M: K# E( O英译汉试题:He is going to have his watch repaired.
  X  X; x& U: W1 d * u, \6 ], @9 V2 T( _: r0 i
, m  n( v  H& `, S7 rA. 错误  g/ t  W4 _' N
B. 正确
, u$ C+ E- l' @4 _% R      满分:5  分
: n' Z+ \& Y& x16.  2 }3 x+ X6 z" J2 u: c
根据下面所给题目写出一篇不少于80词的短文。3 ?" H7 n' b! W  l& P: s, i4 K) a
写作题目: On writing a blog4 Z+ |: y8 \0 W0 w5 E
, [  G  ~4 ?* e+ Y    More and more college students are becoming bloggers. They keep blogs to note down what happen to them, to describe their feelings and to express opinions on certain issues.) S) m. W: ^& w5 _8 x& P  l. V0 E- t  L
    There are different views about this phenomenon. Some people think it’s a good idea for college students to keep a blog, saying blogs not only provide an outlet for the student’s inner feelings like traditional diaries, but also offer a new way through which young people can communicate with each other. Others think differently. They are afraid that some students have spent too much time on their blogs, trying hard to win clicks and replies. Therefore both their school work and interpersonal relationships may suffer., h4 i$ L& I( V+ ]# i8 i# A' C3 L- ?
    In my views, both views are reasonable. While writing blogs are advisable, students also need to be aware of its potential shortcomings.6 g4 Y5 z/ g8 C7 Q/ m2 q+ B

# ~! L! x/ P: i+ Y/ JA. 错误
% A) V" w4 G% b: mB. 正确
; W, L/ e3 x! H+ O# P5 t3 `      满分:5  分
4 X% }$ l) H# F* r/ m& z17.  " ~; W! U  z, K' Q
) O9 K( ~' }5 c% G3 N% S6 ~4 P; `写作题目:On television
5 \$ P" c3 w5 W6 D8 U' f参考范文:! l! v- E$ Z9 i$ E. Z
    Television now plays such an important part in so many people’s lives that it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is a good thing or a bad one. Clearly, television has both advantages and disadvantages.
' g! A/ z* d% H  b    Television keeps one better informed of what is going on in the world. The most distant countries, the strangest customs and the most attractive scenes of nature are brought right into our room. Yet, its down side is not to be ignored. The main problem with TV has been its effect on young people, who are too young to decide which programs are the right ones for them. As we know, quite a few commercials and harmful programs tend to influence them negatively.
% b' `8 U* Z! ?) |( r    To conclude, television in itself is neither good nor bad. It is how we use it that determines its true value.  - I' h' n) J+ q6 \) ~" b/ O
A. 错误
( S  H( O5 f7 |B. 正确
) P* C$ }" v* h! R$ ~% `" b      满分:5  分3 f8 R- U2 v  p' @
, a2 l2 j( d% k# R+ F英译汉试题:We can provide service to you at anytime, except on Sundays.. s. ^% h1 ]+ M7 H2 \
5 F+ v6 z/ u$ U/ r, C
参考资料:我们可以在任何时间为您提供服务,周日除外。+ q0 K# a: w( W" @
A. 错误. ^" @0 i7 B" I: U5 I% ]
B. 正确: B; _8 C( C$ T+ a
      满分:5  分' h8 A% p' V$ F6 M
19.  1 O: h5 c: O- u5 k, s( M8 N$ u
英译汉试题:A man with a good education is very likely to be able to rise to a higher position faster. 2 ~; E/ K, s/ i) d( Z
6 b, R/ U( E8 _5 @9 M: }7 _7 u4 y
8 e$ y3 P/ h6 {8 bA. 错误
0 ~% z" W3 \" S9 m+ Z$ TB. 正确
5 e5 s$ m; P1 \3 `      满分:5  分% q* @2 V! U- q6 y
20.  % y: u' q- X) O8 B
3 ?% M0 |! f& v' P5 C) q6 P写作题目:My favorite TV program
/ W$ q; E/ e% P$ x参考范文:3 r2 f$ V8 D$ i) l* U- L
    The news broadcast is my favorite TV program. This has become a part of my life because almost everyday I turn on the TV at 7:00 p.m., watching CCTV 9 news program. 9 F) S! [' ^  Y7 l) K+ m
    Watching the daily news brings me the following benefits. Firstly, it develops my good language skills, proper pronunciation and greater knowledge and understanding of news around the world. Secondly, watching TV news as a family opens a stage for discussion between family members on a wide variety of topics. What’s more, sharing the news helps kids better understand the world they live in, helps them learn more on different views and on how to act or respond to tough situations. All in all, watching the news program is informative, communicative and instructive.; q2 J3 i; g" n$ C6 u5 e5 @' `
A. 错误
) D9 h" `% l: a3 }6 {# bB. 正确
' j4 _* ?8 v. ]' e) T  i      满分:5  分
: N4 V" X; b! D: |
  h4 e; B* ]* F
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