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[华中师范] 华师17春学期《词汇学》在线作业百分百

发表于 2017-4-25 20:03:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)  V 1. () is not a characteristic of basic word stock
A. Colloquialism
B. All national character
C. Stability
D. Polysemy

2.  The discrete units which realize morphemes are known as()
A. allomorphs
B. phonemes
C. morphs
D. lexis

3.  “child—parent” are () antonyms.
A. root
B. derivative
C. relative
D. complementary

4.  Functional words are ________________.
A. adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions
B. adjectives, nouns, articles
C. articles, prepositions, conjunctions
D. verbs, pronouns, prepositions

5.  Which of the following is NOT studied in semantics?()
A. polysemy
B. language family
C. ambiguity
D. complementaries

6.  Stylistic meaning may be defined as the feature of ________ of words.
A. formality
B. affectiveness
C. appropriateness
D. part of speech

7.  The modes of modem English vocabulary grow through three major channels: ________ , semantic change and __________.
A. exchange/lending
B. derivation/borrowing
C. creation/borrowing
D. affixation/creation

8.  Functional words are()
A. adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions
B. adjectives, nouns, articles
C. articles, prepositions, conjunctions
D. verbs, pronouns, prepositions

9.  The first monolingual English dictionary was compiled in()
A. 1604
B. 1066
C. 1406
D. 1046

10.  He’s nice, but he hasn’t much brain. _________.
A. Simile
B. metaphor
C. Metonymy
D. synecdoche

11.  According to the idiomaticity of idioms, idioms include ________.
A. true idioms
B. semi-idioms
C. regular combinations
D. all the above

12.  “sow” (to plant seeds on the ground) and “sow” (fully grown female pig )are called()
A. Homophones
B. homographs
C. perfect homonyms
D. acronyms

13.  Non-basic vocabulary includes __________.
A. argot and jargon
B. archaisms and neologisms
C. echnical terms
D. all the above

14.  Modern English began with the establishment of () in England.
A. printing
B. Bourgeois Revolution
C. Industrial Revolution
D. Renaissance Tim

15.  The Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English. _________ of them are still in use today.
A. 85%
B. 56%
C. 72%
D. 75%

16.  _________ is a word-formation process by which a word is changed from one word-class into another without the change of form.
A. Blending
B. Affixation
C. Back-formation
D. Conversion

17.  The discrete units which realize morphemes are known as ________.
A. allomorphs
B. phonemes
C. morphs
D. lexis

18.  The word “water” is () motivated.
A. phonetically
B. semantically
C. morphologically
D. non-

19.  The first monolingual English dictionary was compiled in ________.
A. 1604
B. 1066
C. 1406
D. 1046

20.  Motel is a/an is ________.
A. blend
B. clipped word
C. initialism
D. acronym


二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. The origins of words are a key factor that distinguishes homonyms from polysemants.
A. 错误
B. 正确

2.  The way to differentiate homonyms from polysemants is mainly to see their origins as well as sense relatedness.
A. 错误
B. 正确

3.  The changes of meaning are caused by both linguistic and extra-linguistic factors.
A. 错误
B. 正确

4.  Extra-linguistic context refers to the physical situation or cultural background.
A. 错误
B. 正确

5.  A form to which an affix of any kind can be added is called a stem.
A. 错误
B. 正确

6.  Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion.
A. 错误
B. 正确

7.  Commonization involves proper nouns used as common words.
A. 错误
B. 正确

8.  “teacher” and “student” are converses.
A. 错误
B. 正确

9.  Linguistic context provides clues for guessing meanings of new words.
A. 错误
B. 正确

10.  Commonization involves proper nouns used as common words.
A. 错误
B. 正确


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